David Kirkpatrick

April 3, 2008

Nanoparticles fight cancer with targeted doses

Another nanotech advance in cancer treatment.

From KurzweilAI.net:

Nanoparticle delivery sytem for anti-tumor toxins reduces drug dose 1,000 times
KurzweilAI.net, April 3, 2008Washington University School of Medicine researchers using drug-coated nanoparticles to deliver fumagillin (a fungal toxin cancer treatment) to tumors found that a drug dose 1,000 times lower than used previously still significantly slowed tumor growth.

Fumagillin can have neurotoxic side effects at the high doses required with standard methods. The fumagillin nanoparticles were effective in very low doses because they were designed to concentrate where tumors create new blood vessels.

Washington University School of Medicine News Release

1 Comment »

  1. […] April 3, 2008 — Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine used drug-coated nanoparticles to deliver fumigillin to cancerous tumors at a 1000-times reduced dose while remaining effective. Fumigillin has neurotoxic side effects at standard dosage. […]

    Pingback by Cancer and nanotechnology « David Kirkpatrick — March 13, 2010 @ 4:57 pm

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