David Kirkpatrick

August 23, 2010

Microsoft’s Arc Touch Mouse

Filed under: Business, Technology — Tags: , , , , — David Kirkpatrick @ 10:11 pm

Here’s some photos of Microsoft’s latest mouse tech — the Arc Touch Mouse — from CIO.com:

Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse

Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse

Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse

Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse
(Photos are from WinFuture.de)

March 26, 2009

Crazy keyboards

Filed under: Business, Technology — Tags: , , , , , — David Kirkpatrick @ 4:10 pm

Yeah, I thought about titling this post “Krazy keyboards” but just couldn’t do it. I hate reading those deliberate misspellings other places and didn’t want to subject any more on the world than necessary.

At any rate here’s a CIO.com (via PC World) slideshow of 14 very crazy keyboards.

Number five is my favorite in terms of just completely outside the box (and very possible that box is full of nuts.)

From the link:

OrbiTouch Keyless Keyboard

OrbiTouch Keyless Keyboard

OrbiTouch Keyless Keyboard

Manufacturer: Blue Orb

If aliens (other than Klingons) used computers, they’d probably gravitate toward the $399 OrbiTouch Keyless Ergonomic Keyboard—if only to impress us: “God, they must be an advanced society if they’ve figured out how to type on that thing.” But maybe it really is ergonomic. After all, when was the last time you saw an alien life form wearing braces on its wrists?