David Kirkpatrick

November 13, 2009

Could email be better?

Filed under: Business, Media, Technology — Tags: , , , — David Kirkpatrick @ 1:41 pm

And by better, the question is really could it be more efficient. The answer is yes, but can it be more efficient? Probably not, but that’s not stopping these guys at Defrag 2009 from mulling the possibilities.

From the link:

Wading through e-mail is one of the primary woes of office workers everywhere. Despite many theories on how workers should process their incoming messages, most people still seem to feel buried in the flood. This week at Defrag 2009, a technology conference in Denver focused on tools and technologies for handling online data, experts suggested that the best strategies for fixing e-mail might rely on information and strategies drawn from social Web technologies.

“E-mail is kind of this giant, endless task list, and you’re really the slave to a lot of stuff that comes to you,” said Lili Cheng, general manager of Microsoft’s future social experiences labs. She believes that incoming messages need to be organized and sorted in a more automated fashion.

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