David Kirkpatrick

June 10, 2010

Guns end lives …

… but sometimes guns save lives.

From the link:

When John Q. Citizen takes out a gun and the criminals flee, reporters don’t consider the incident “news” (at least when there are no injuries)–so guns are typically on the evening news when they are used by criminals.  As a result of that skewed coverage, it is no wonder that many people have a negative view about firearms.

I completely agree. I had an incident at my home just before New Year’s this past December at 9:00 a.m. where one assailant attempted to kick in the front door (it held) to the point the lock had to be removed before the door could even be opened, and a second assailant destroyed a section of fence to gain access to the backyard.

Both assailants fled after I racked a 12 gauge shotgun at the back door while looking at the second assailant through frosted glass. Who knows what would have happened had the front door not held or the backyard trespasser decided to more aggressively enter the back door, but I’m fairly certain someone wouldn’t have walked away from that particular situation.

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