David Kirkpatrick

December 7, 2009

The small business credit crunch and unemployment

Filed under: Business, Politics — Tags: , , , , , — David Kirkpatrick @ 5:41 pm

These two elements — little to no credit for small business and a difficult rebound from deep unemployment — are integrally tied together. Small business jobs are the backbone of the U.S. economy, and small businesses need revolving credit to help ensure cash flow. When your accounts receivable go from averaging 20 days to averaging 45 days, ongoing business expenses become an issue.

I know several small businesses that are currently in a state where invoices are getting paid late so in consequence the companies pay late and the entire cycle helps no one. With banks not providing credit to worthy small businesses the entire system is being ground down by a lack of liquidity.

This example is almost beyond belief and perfectly illustrates where the banking industry — both local and national — is doing real damage to the economy’s small business backbone.

From the link:

Veteran Chicago restaurateur Ivan Matsunaga needs a $300,000 loan to finance a renovation of his flagship pizza restaurant into a higher-end eatery. The revamp is required for his lease renewal, but it will also create job opportunities: Matsunaga estimates that he’ll need five additional staffers to run the updated restaurant.

Three banks turned down his loan request — including a community bank Matsunaga personally invested in at its launch three years ago.

“How perplexing is it that they would not reciprocate? What type of banking environment exists where they currently have $100,000 of my money and yet they won’t give me a loan?,” Matsunaga asked at the hearing. “If my bank were to approve my loan today, I, for one, would create jobs immediately.”

Big banks have shaved more than $10 billion from their small business lending totals over the past six months, which drew sharp criticism from Senators at Wednesday’s hearing. “I know that my situation is not unique,” Matsunaga said. “I have had numerous discussions with my peers who are frustrated by these same issues.”


  1. This post has been linked for the HOT5 Daily 12/8/2009, at The Unreligious Right

    Comment by UNRR — December 8, 2009 @ 4:27 am

  2. […] The small business credit crunch and unemployment […]

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